Meeting Minutes
February 28, 2012
Memorial Town Hall
Mark Johnson, Bruce Pennino, Mary Ricker
Andrea Crete, Board of Health Agent
M. Johnson called the Board of Health Meeting to order at 5:30 PM
274 Bailey Road: Carl Hultgren, Quinn Engineering, represented the plan for the owner, Jean Brunter, 280 Bailey Road, Holden, for local upgrade approval. They have offsets to Title 5, for a two (2) bedroom house. This plan is designed for a two (2) bedroom system with a bedroom safety factor. There needs to be a deed restriction on the property.
They are using the sieve analysis because they could not do the perc test due to the fact that the ground water is at 23”. The engineer stated that the system is not in failure.
J. Brunter asked to table the plans to give him time to speak to the owner to decide if they would agree to go with a 2 bedroom system with a third bedroom safety factor, and the deed restriction. TABLED.
Documents presented during review: Septic Plans, 274 Bailey Rd., for Jean Brunter, 280 Bailey Rd., Holden, MA 01520, dated February 1, 2012.
Chapin Road, Lot 3: New construction Presby System for Chapin Road Trust. David E. Ross Associates, engineer.
M. Ricker motioned to approve, pending Con Com approval, and lot lines need bearings on front and side lot line on the plan. B. Pennino seconded. Vote 3-0, APPROVED.
Documents presented during review: Septic Plans, Lot 3 Chapin Road, Holden, MA, for Chapin Road Trust, 8 Crockerhill Rd., Paxton, MA 01612, dated January 20, 2012.
- Board of Health Regionalization: N. Galkowski requested that Dennis J. Lipka attend the meeting tomorrow, February 29, 2012. The Board would like A. Crete to go through the previous meeting
- minutes to see if anything was said about benefits for Board of Health Agents who are joining the regionalization.
- Ticks: B. Pennino asked if a flyer or something could be put in with the light bills regarding Lyme Disease. A. Crete said there is something on the towns web site, and will have it moved to ‘Holden News’. B. Pennino motioned to approve, M. Ricker seconded. Vote 3-0, APPROVED.
- Tobacco: The tobacco consultant may attend the next Board of Health meeting.
- November 8, 2011: B. Pennino motioned to approve. M. Ricker seconded. Vote 3-0, APPROVED.
- December 13, 2011: M. Ricker motioned to approve. B. Pennino seconded, Vote 3-0, APPROVED.
These meeting minutes may be viewed online at HoldenMA.gov.
Next Meeting: March Date to be determined.
M. Ricker motioned to adjourn the Board of Health meeting. B. Pennino seconded. All in favor.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:30 PM
February 28, 2012 minutes approved: April 10, 2012
Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary
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